free post

   For my free post I'm writing about a vacation I went on this past summer. I went on a Disney cruise to the Bahamas. This was my second time going on that cruise to the Bahamas and I hope I can go again in the future. It was a very cool experience that is unforgettable.

   I met 2 new people that became really goof friends of mine. I talk to one of them everyday and I can tell her anything because she lives all the way in Pennsylvania so she cant go blabbing around any secrets I have. We met at a club on the cruise on the second day out of the 5 day trip. We went to the private island in the Bahamas together and would spend everyday together 24/7.


  1. It sounds like your cruise was a lot of fun! I have always wanted to go to the Bahamas. Good job!

  2. A Disney Cruise to the Bahamas sounds amazing! I hope you had a great time.


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