
Showing posts from August, 2017

my weekend

   This past weekend, I went to Happening. Happening is a retreat that helps you find God. I went with some friends, but made new friends with every camper there. We didn't have any technology and the country sellers never told us what time it was so we lived on God's time which is just using your hands and arms and stretching them out. We were divided into small groups and would answer questions about our religion and how we find God and the Holy Spirit. We played fun games and bonded with each other by singing, games, small and big group talks, parties, and eating food. This weekend is one ill never forget and the new friends I made.

outside reading book

   I am reading the book When Dad Killed Mom  by Julius Lester for my outside reading book currently. So far the author got straight to the point right in the beginning of the book about these kids dad killing their mom. I've noticed that the chapters in the book are split up for each sibling. Every chapter is either one or the other side of the story. They go into detail about what their mom told them when they showed her their artwork or anything else and what she would say if she was still alive. The two siblings have different opinions on their dad after he shot their mother. Jenna, the oldest, wants to see her dad and know all the answers to her questions like: is he in jail? is he at home? why ddi he do this? And Jeremy, Jenna's little brother, doesn't want to see his dad because he is now frightened by him. Since I just recently started this book I haven't gotten to discover everything that happens yet, but I will soon.

Free Post/ Emma Thompson

   Hi, I'm Emma and this is my blog. I like to play volleyball and swim and hang out with my friends. I have two cats and one dog. I have one full sister and 4 half siblings. My favorite subject is science because it's cool to do experiments in class and it's easy. I play club volleyball at Red Storm and school volleyball.      In this English class for this year, I hope to get an A+ in this class even though it probably won't happen. My goals for this class are to listen and not get distracted and be a good student. I expect this class to get harder than it already is so I have to keep up. I am concerned about when we have a test in this class and that it hopefully won't be hard.

Stolen book/ Emma Thompson

            Stolen by Lucy Christopher is narrated the main character, Gemma, following her whole journey of being taken away in the airport by a guy named Ty, who has been watching her for a while now. I noticed that Ty has had this whole plan set out to take Gemma to a house in the middle of nowhere so she can't escape. I found it surprising that after being kept in a house by a stranger, she fell in love with him, but he still kept her captured. What I found confusing and never figured out is why he took her in the first place. This book is full of mysteries and keep you wondering the whole time what will happen next.