outside reading book

   I am reading the book When Dad Killed Mom by Julius Lester for my outside reading book currently. So far the author got straight to the point right in the beginning of the book about these kids dad killing their mom. I've noticed that the chapters in the book are split up for each sibling. Every chapter is either one or the other side of the story. They go into detail about what their mom told them when they showed her their artwork or anything else and what she would say if she was still alive. The two siblings have different opinions on their dad after he shot their mother. Jenna, the oldest, wants to see her dad and know all the answers to her questions like: is he in jail? is he at home? why ddi he do this? And Jeremy, Jenna's little brother, doesn't want to see his dad because he is now frightened by him. Since I just recently started this book I haven't gotten to discover everything that happens yet, but I will soon.


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