
Showing posts from September, 2017

reading response for Harrison Bergeron

    Harrison Bergeron is a 7 foot 14 year old who is a genius like his father, George Bergeron. His mother, Hazel Bergeron, has a below average intelligence and requires no handicaps to make her dumber. This story is set in the future year 2081 and everyone is finally equal by having all people above average and average having handicaps to make them on the same level as someone like Hazel.       Harrison Bergeron is the protagonist of this story since it's based on him. The author describes him in direct characterization, but both of his parents are indirect characters. Harrison's interactions with people seem straight forward like he gets what he wants because he's huge and intimidating.

week 5 comments

Tucker- dialogue Katie- dialogue 


"I know you're afraid to talk right now but we really need your help" said Johnny. "I already told you I don't know anything" said Tommy. "So you just happened to be running away from an armed robbery with a blood stained shirt on?" said Johnny. "I told you I was in the store buying food when two guys I don't know came in and held the store up. I didn't have anything to do with it" said Tommy. "We know you were a part of the robbery and we want know who else was in on it" said Johnny. "I swear I wasn't a part of it" said Tommy.

Personal Narrative

   I am very excited to write and share my personal narrative with everyone. I am writing about when I got discovered as a model about a year ago and all of the "my first's" that come along with that. I've never really told anyone, but a few people about this because it's my actual job, I don't just do it for fun. I thought writing about it would be a good way to share my experience with everyone.    I am having trouble with organizing everything. The timing of everything is just all over the place. I'm excited about finally sharing something with everyone I've never really gotten to talk about. I am also trying to figure out how to write out how this changed me and why it is important to me.

comments week 4

JC dear 12 year old Katie dear 10 year old

comments week 2

seryn Was she in a car crash? grace tubing

dear 12 year old

    Dear 13 year old, be careful who you're friends with. Get to know them by standing by for a while and if they're a good one, take them. Don't let them control your life and change who you're meant to be. Don't fall into the wrong crowd because they are the real influencers.    Always listen to your parents on advice for friends because 99.9% of the time they are right. If someones mean to you, don't hold back your feelings. Tell someone because it will get fixed. Don't let your life be crushed by someone who deserves the joy of hurting you because they have nothing g better to do. From, a 14 year old.

Mint Snowball Reading Response

    One of the narratives was Mint Snowball  by Naomi Shibab Nye. It's about a mint snowball recipe from this girls past family, but the recipe was lost so she never got to try the great mint snowball her family talks about. It was her great grandfather's recipe that he specialized in. She believes her personality connects to the mint snowball even though she's never seen or tasted it.    At the end of this personal narrative the narrator asks a few rhetorical questions that end the story. All the questions relate to the lost snowball recipe and if she will ever get to taste the snowball. Her great grandfather sold pills in a drugstore in Illinois, but had the secret recipe of the mint snowball that she never got.


    Seryn hurricane Katrina  Evan 9/11 

My House in Hurricane Katrina

   Twelve years ago, my house got destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. I was about one and a half years old and my little sister was about 7 months. We lived on 324 Spencer Ave. in the Lakeview area. Once the rain water hit the top of the levy, it broke. It broke right on our street so we got the flooding first and damage the worst of all. Luckily, we were out of New Orleans and living in our house in Natchez, Mississippi so we weren't struggling to get out. I remember very vividly what the storm was like while we were in Mississippi. I remember the door bursting open from wind and our power going out and being very frightened.    Once we went back to New Orleans to see what was left of our house-which wasn't really anything- we never tried to re-build. Our house got 13 feet of water so there was nothing we could save. I remember going to live with some family in Baton Rouge for 6 months, then we finally bought the house I live in now. About maybe 5 years ago, we visited our old h

reading book response

   I am currently reading When Dad Killed Mom  by Julius Lester. As the title says, these two kids' dad kills their mom unexpectedly and no one knows why. Both of the kids have different opinions on what they want to happen, their new living situation, and whether to see their dad or not.    This book is always throwing new ideas about the shooting that lead to more questions about why it happened. Everyone in this book seems to talk in a very cautious and soft spoken voice or either very mad and stressed. The author always uses words I've never heard before to express everyone's emotions and thoughts. The chapters switch between each person which is cool.