
Showing posts from October, 2017

blog comments week 2 q2

Grace julia

human nature

  I believe humans can be any type of way. They can be loving, caring, kind or they can be mean, full of hate, or angry. Good humans don't disobey orders or break rules or hurt others. They bring joy to other people. Bad humans do all the opposite of these things and much more that isn't good.     My family is full of good people which brought me to believe this. My religion also follows all these good rules. I've been to camps that bring out the good people and the examples they set for everyone else. They show who your real friends are or who you should be friends with.

What has EHS been like since the start until now?

    I have been at Episcopal since pre-k up until now and hopefully until I graduate. Episcopal has changed tremendously in the way it looks and improving education. For example, when I started school here the playground was totally different and not as big, and the sport court used to be concrete, and the track used to be black, and this school used to be called Episcopal High School, but that changed just a couple years ago.   EHS has gotten lots of new technology over the years to improve education. I remember when the smart boards were being installed into all the classrooms and when the middle schoolers had netbooks. I remember when Episcopal got iPads for the middle school and when flat screen TV's were put into some classrooms when we used to have the small box TV's on the cart. All of these new things have improved everyone's education at EHS.    

comments week 8

Katie-fall break Julia-fall break

reading response to VOMEW

    A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings  is about an angel that was stopped by weather at a newborns house. This story is set on a beach with lots of crabs. It had been raining for a while and the old man angel was toppled by the rain. The angel seemed really nervous around everyone, but comfortable at the same time. This was the most unrealistic story which set a weird mood on it.    This story had a dark and gloomy setting. It was a kind of scary atmosphere with an old angel man. This was also during the winter season. The crowd that the angel had attracted seemed excited and curious. This was a really depressing story.

fall break free post

   Over this fall break I didn't do much except for homework and sleeping. Senior night is coming up and for volleyball we had to get $20 to buy gifts for all the seniors and write on green paper how much each player means to us so that we can make books for them. There are a lot of seniors on the team this year so it took me a long time to finish my green cards.     I just got back from one of my close friends 15th birthday party at a hibachi restaurant. I ate all my food and I am so full I feel like I'm about to explode. One of my friends started laughing really hard when I said something funny and she started choking and spit out a piece of rice and it was really funny.

week 7 comments

Peyton Katie

Short story

  A few years ago my cat, Bill, ran away. He was gone for only two days, but I was so worried about him. Bill is an outside and an inside cat so he always comes back. At the time, I had only one other pet which is my other cat. One Friday morning, I was leaving for school and there's Bill right outside our garage door when I opened it. I was so happy my cat had come back.