
Showing posts from November, 2017

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Seryn-Free Post JC- Free post

free post

  For my free post I thought I would write what I did over thanksgiving. Well, I did pretty much nothing for the most part except for break my 8 year old skateboard and my heelys which was upsetting. My board was about ready to be broken anyways so im glad it did because on back Friday I got a new one, but I probably won't be getting new heelys sadly.   On Thanksgiving day I went to my Aunt's house for a few hours and I promised myself I wouldn't eat too much to where I would feel stuffed and for the first time ever it actually worked. I only spent a short time there, but on the way home my dad and I almost got in a wreck and almost died!

draft thesis

   Ralph is passive aggressive and keeps everything to himself. It's noticeable throughout the whole book. For example in the book when Piggy died, Ralph was emotionless on the outside but he was very upset on the inside. "Ralph's lips formed a word but no sound came out."(p. 181) is a time when Ralph didn't say anything and just kept those feelings to himself.

Q2 week 5 comments

Kathrine-LOTF Julia-symbolism

LOTF response

The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away.  Once there was this and that; and now--and the ship had gone. [... Jack refusing to give Piggy the floor when he has the conch...] "The rules!" shouted Ralph.  "You're breaking the rules!" "Who cares?" Ralph summoned his wits. "Because the rules are the only thing we've got!" But Jack was shouting against him. "Bollocks to the rules!  We're strong--we hunt!  If there's a beast, we'll hunt it down!  We'll close in and beat and beat and beat--!" (91)             This passage symbolizes the loss of the old civilization these boys had. The longer they were stranded on the  island, the more insane they became. The boys were losing order, authority, and organization. This passage is significant because the loss of order led up to Simon and Piggy's deaths and when Jack takes power from Ralph.     This passage also foreshadows of when Jack be


    Every other day she had cross country practice. She put other old beat up running shoes and started jogging on the track. Every time she would go out for a run she'd think about everything that has to be done like schoolwork, family time, chores, etc. She started thinking her life was pretty much trash with all this stress put on her.    After while she bought herself a new pair of shoes and went for a run. She felt better and knew everything was going to be alright. She felt relieved. She felt alive. Her practice went better than most of them had been lately because she realized she shouldn't worry all the time and she should be happy. The symbolic object is her old beat up shoes that make her upset and then her new ones that clear everything up for her.

comments Q2 week4

Seryn-lord of the flies Grace- vocab free post

vocabulary free post

      Over the summer, I went on an awesome trip to Florida. I went to Disney World and while I was walking, the person in front of me dropped their hat. I had the virtue  of picking it up and giving it back to him instead of letting the big crowd of people behind me step on it.   Unfortunately, I lost  the group of people I was with right after that. After being in a gigantic crowd of people I found my way out. I then saw the heads of everyone I was with. I rushed to them, but by the time I got there, they were gone again. After about 10 minutes of being by myself, I finally found them.

LOTF reading response

   So far, Lord of the Flies  has surprisingly been a good book. I thought it wasn't going to be that good, but never judge a book by its cover! All the characters are unique in their own ways and aren't like each other at all. For those characters that have a more feminine side, I always worry what will happen to them... even though someone in a different class already spoiled a part for me.    I find this book not confusing, but I read everything differently. I'll read something and think it means something else then what it actually means when we talk about it in class. We've all noticed that Jack is pretty much insane which makes this book exciting even though that's kind of weird. I also find it interesting that Ralph is very mature for his age and hopefully keeping everyone in their right minds.